Pet Waste - A Gross & Serious Problem
Pet/animal waste in our community continues to be a serious issue. And its probably a lot worse then many people believe.
The Beautification Committee will continue making monthly posts on the Facebook Community page about the issue to try and bring more awareness.
We think of it as an act of decency, but there are actually much bigger reasons why we should be picking up after our dogs.
1.It’s A Toxic Pollutant
Did you know the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies dog waste in the same category as oil spills? That means that the EPA considers it a pollutant.
2. It’s Crawling With Germs
“Pet waste carries bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can threaten the health of humans and wildlife,” the EPA website says. “Pet waste also contains nutrients that promote weed and algae growth (eutrophication). Cloudy and green, Eutrophic water makes swimming and recreation unappealing or even unhealthy.”
3. There’s A LOT Of It!
Think it’s no big deal? American dogs alone create more than 10 million tons of waste a year. (
4. It Can Contaminate Water Supplies…
If you leave your dog’s waste behind, it can get mingled into storm water runoff, into storm drains, or nearby bodies of water. According to the EPA, “untreated animal feces often ends up in lakes and streams, causing significant water pollution.”
Once in the water, the poop breaks down, releasing ammonia and the bacteria uses up the oxygen in the water. Both low oxygen and high ammonia can be harmful to the fish and plants that live in the water. In addition, pet waste contains “bacteria, viruses and parasites that can make water unsafe for swimming or drinking.” (Taken from The Central Contra Costra Sanitary District newsletter “Pipeline” Vol 17, no. 3 2013).
5. …A Lot
Studies have shown that 20 to 30 percent of the bacteria in water samples from urban watersheds come from dog waste.
The EPA also says that two or three days of waste from 100 dogs contain enough bacteria, nitrogen and phosphorous to close 20 square miles of a bay-watershed for swimming (or shellfishing).
6. And It Can Even Contaminate The Air You Breathe
And finally (If this wasn’t enough already to make you pick up after your dog), A study of air samples from Clevland, Ohio and Detroit, Michigan found that 10 to 50 percent of the bacteria in the air came from dog waste.
So What Should You Do With That Waste?
Obviously once you pick it up it has to go somewhere. The question is where and the answer is…
It depends.
Each city has its own laws and regulations when it comes to dog waste, and you should check with your local water district.
The most important thing it to find out what you need to be doing in your area to minimize pollution.
Regardless of where you live, everyone can:
Pick up your dog’s waste
Put it in a biodegradable bag
Put in the trash.
If you would like more information including ways to implement a system and encourage your neighbors to pick up after their dogs, you can visit the EPA’s website for more information.